Okay everyone as we move into summer we are all busy out of doors and we seem to have less time to knit! So I thought that it might be nice to address a few reasons why it is important to support your local yarn store year round but even more so in the summer.
Sales drop considerably during the summer and it is very hard for these small businesses to survive the heat! If you want them to exist support them:)
Reason #1- When you need help with you knitting or crocheting there is always a friendly LYS employee to answer your questions!
Reason #2- What would your world look like if you could only buy yarn at Micheal's, Joann's, Walmart....! You get the idea right!
Reason #3- Who would you take all those inspirational classes from?
Reason #4- Where else can you go that other people don't think you are nuts for wanting to roll in a pile wool!
Reason #5- Knitting is therapy! Well at least it is for me!
Reason #6- When you need honest help deciding what size sweater to knit, who are you going to get to measure you and make sure that you choose the correct size? Next time your in the yarn department at Walmart why don't you ask the nearest employee! I would love to hear how that turns out!
Reason #7- Who else is going to sympathize and maybe even help when you have to frog an entire project because it just isn't right!
Reason #8- Where are you going to go to touch the yarn and make sure that it feels just right for a project!
Reason #9- How are you going to hold the yarn up to your face and get an honest opinion of weather or not you can wear that color! Trust me this is helpful!!! I ask everyone who is in the store not just the employees!
Reason #10- Where else are you going to go when you just need a break from life and you just want to be in the presence of all those wool fumes???
Oh and I just have to add where else are you going to get to see and feel all those hand knit samples! Talk about inspiration!
Really everyone our local yarn stores are filled with people that care about yarn knitting, crocheting and more. They educate so many people everyday in so many ways. I know when I first learned to knit I drove my local store nuts because I sometimes came in four times a day! I needed help and I needed it now:) I am like that! They helped me with a smile and I grew into the knitter that I am today. Support your shops in any way you can if you want them to continue to exist:) I know that all the wool festivals and fiber events are tempting and we want to spend some money on something different when we go, just remeber if you want a yarn heaven away from home to exist in your cummunity save some pennies for your local LYS:)
End rant!
I apologized if this was long winded, it is not my normal style but it was something I felt we all may have needed to be reminded of:)
Please leave a comment and tell me what you would miss if you lost your local LYS!
Happy Knitting, Trish